trans_envar Compile with: _background _check_warnings execute_macro _check_warnings masm %s\; cc -c %s.c _check_warnings Can't compile: no BC%s environment variable. _check_warnings _check_warnings _check_warnings _check_warnings Compile warning detection %s. _check_warnings _background _background _background _background Background compilation %s. _background Current buffer is not a .%s file. cc -c %s.c _check_warnings _background version " M (' 8 write_buffer [~\\]; _cc_complete "%s" %d "%s" escape_re next_error next_error Compilation successful. _cc_complete: fatal error, can't edit %s. next_error Compilation of %s successful. Error compiling %s; press %s. next_error Error compiling %s. next_error delete_macro load_macro Macro compiled and loaded. delete_macro load_macro CBRIEF macro compiled and loaded. warnings_only _cc_complete compile_it bgd_compilation